
Fablab: Tools and safety

Emergency Procedures, numbers worth remembering

In the event of any emergency:
call up either SCDF at 995
call up the police at 999
or call up SP's emergency Hotline, 6772-1234
Be sure to include your Name, your Location, and the nature of the emergency.
Use basic common sense, don't do anything you might regret in the next few minutes.

Workshop safety

First, do not wear anything that might get arced with electricity, or get tangled in rotary equipment.
General idea, T-shirt, Jeans/long pants, Covered shoes, and tied up hair.

These are some common safety images

-Insert safety thing here-

Be sure to look out for these Placards, generally tells you how the machine can injure you if you're not careful.

-Insert placard here-

Be sure you know Exactly what you're doing. Some devices come with Specific instructions/procedures.

-Insert instructions here-

Machine Hazards

Be very aware of a machine's Perimeter, that is, the area around the machine where chunks or bits of debris can fly off
and hit you. Regardless of your PPE, don't take any chances. If it is your first time using the machine, it is advised
that you get someone experienced to teach you, as well as show you how the machine functions. So that you can have a
clearer idea of what risks you might face in operation. And take note of the emergency Cutoffs, big really obvious
hit switches that disable the machine quickly in times of trouble.

-Insert boring drill here-

There are countless work risks in the lab, but generally you will encounter these specific ones. You can infer
what exactly these are by their names:
1. ---------Entanglement Hazards
2. --------------Cutting Hazards
3. ---------------Impact Hazards
4. -------------Shearing Hazards
5. -------------Crushing Hazards
6. --------------Draw-In Hazards
7. ----Friction/Abrasion Hazards

As always, follow procedure, be sure you know Exactly what you're doing. It is always recommended to have someone competent
supervising you. As my old DnT teacher used to say,

"The machines might hurt you, but your over-confidence Will hurt you."


Fablab: Tools and safety

Project management

Web development

Computer Aided Designs

3D Printing

Laser Cutting

Embedded Programming

Module Project